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ayurvedic doctor nyc

4-8 Months Program

Healing of Autoimmune conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, etc. have digestive, inflammatory and immunity components. Our own cells are targeted by our immunity. The approach is to balance the immunity so it does not consider its own cells as foriegn. So require the following –

1st/ Detox phase-  4-6 weeks

  • Balance the digestive strength (agni) with help of diet and herbs
  • Digest the undigested food/ toxins (ama) from the gut with help of herbs.
  • Remove inflammation with herbs
  • Herbs for heal from pain while balancing the doshas
  • Therapies like kadidhara, dhanyamala, etc to remove inflammation
  • Diet according to the imbalance in the doshas (vikruti) keeping in mind the body constitution (prakriti) of the person

2nd/Balance phase –  2 – 4 months

  • Balance the doshas involved in the health condition with herbs and diet.
  • Weekly purgation(virechana) maybe suggested
  • Pain relieving therpies like patrapotla sweda, shashtikashali pindasweda
  • Panchkarma is suggested for best results.

3rd/Rejuvenate phase – 3-6 months

  • Rejuvenate the tissues concerned so the problem does not recur
  • Balance the immunity so it does not attack your own cells.
  • This is done with the help of nourishing therapies, rejuvenative herbs and maintaining a balanced diet according to your body constitution (prakriti) as well as keeping in mind the imbalance of doshas (vikruti) that you are prone to.