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Best PCOS Specialist in NYC

One of the most common but misunderstood disorders in females is probably polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Even if it is pretty prevalent, there is very little awareness about this disorder. One in every five women suffers from PCOS, so it is very important that we try to understand this disease. 

Though it is characterized by hormonal imbalances and metabolic issues, PCOS can take different forms. Thus, noticing the signs is extremely important for effective management. In case you have symptoms that can be related to PCOS, a professional appointment will bring out workable solutions and targeted treatment. At Sidhayur, the best PCOS specialist in NYC, helps people get expert care and tailored treatment plans to improve the symptoms of PCOS. 

What are the signs?

Here are five major signs that indicate that you should probably see a PCOS specialist:

  1. Irregular or Absent Menstrual Cycle

Irregular or absent menstrual cycles are one of the major symptoms of PCOS. Women with PCOS may have infrequent, irregular, or absent menses. This is due to the hormonal imbalances that interfere with regular shedding of the uterine lining. If you are in distress due to inconsistent periods or your periods have just stopped, a PCOS specialist can assist with diagnosis and management.

  1. Unexplained Weight Gain

Sudden and unexplainable weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area, could be a big pointer to the fact that you may have PCOS. Most women with PCOS have metabolism issues that make them quickly gain weight, unable to lose it. A PCOS specialist is in a position to establish if your weight-related problems are due to hormonal imbalance and design a customized plan of correcting the same.

  1. Excessive Hair Growth or Hair Thinning

Hormonal imbalances caused by PCOS can lead to excessive hair growth in areas typically associated with males, such as the face, chest, or back. On the other hand, some women can experience thinning hair on the scalp, a condition known as androgenic alopecia. Such symptoms can really be a bother since they will affect the self-esteem of an individual. A PCOS specialist will provide treatments or medication to help curb androgenic alopecia to its minimal possible effects, hence providing physical and emotional relief.

  1. Persistent Acne or Oily Skin

Acne and oily skin are quite a common problem in women with PCOS. Having high levels of androgens upsets the hormonal balance, which then goes into creating a bad environment in the body. This can lead to tough, hardly manageable breakouts. If you have been feeling that your pimples are more than what conventional drugstore treatments can handle, then consider seeking specialist treatment by a PCOS specialist. 

  1. Difficulty Getting Pregnant

PCOS is one of the greatest causes of infertility due to disrupted ovulation. If you have been trying to conceive and you suspect it might have been an issue caused by hormonal imbalance, then seeing a specialist at the earliest is very crucial. The PCOS expert, based on evaluation, would be able to advise on treatments for better chances of conceiving. 


Knowing what to recognize for symptoms and seeking specific health care for PCOS can really improve this disorder. If you are suffering from any of the above-mentioned symptoms, approach a PCOS specialist. The right diagnosis and treatment plan give an advantage in managing PCOS more effectively. Sidhayur helps you to manage your PCOS symptoms and gives you a healthy and confident lifestyle. We also offer back pain therapy. All of this would enable you to handle symptoms and ensure better health. This could lead you to living healthier, understanding your body much better, and managing your PCOS much more successfully when you are in charge of your own health.